Timed Reading 2

The Rattlesnake

(206 words - grade level 8.1)

The rattlesnake is a large snake of the viper family. Several species of the rattlesnake, or rattler, live in North and South America, with most species found in the state of Arizona in the United States. An interesting feature of this snake is the buzz sound, or rattle, produced from its tail. Rattlesnakes develop their unique rattle little by little each time they shed their skin, which can be several times a year.

Rattlesnakes can grow up to eight feet long and weigh up to ten pounds. They are usually dark in color and all have triangle-shaped heads. They like to eat lizards, small birds, and rodents. Rattlers are also venomous, and their bites can be dangerous, if not fatal, to humans. If treated quickly, however, rattlesnake bites rarely cause death. Bites are usually very painful, so it’s best to avoid accidentally coming in contact with a rattlesnake.

People tend to fear rattlesnakes because of their appearance, noises, and venom. However, rattlers are normally timid creatures and will not attack humans. Most encounters between rattlesnakes and people occur by accident, such as a hiker stepping on one. Be careful that you don’t step on one, and always listen closely for the warning sound of a rattle.

Press start again to pause.

Reading Speed

Calculate your reading speed: The words read divided by reading time = words per minute (wpm)

For example: you read “The Rattlesnake” in 46 seconds

  • divide 46 seconds by one minute (0.6) = 76
  • divide 76 by 100 = 0.76
  • divide the total words (206) by 0.76 = 271

271 wpm is the reading speed.

Each reading is graded using Flesch–Kincaid readability tests.


Grade level


Grade 5


Grade 6


Grade 7


Grade 8-9


Grade 10-12




College graduate

