/s/ and /z/

How to pronounce

/s/ see

/s/ is a sound found in many languages. Say /s/ with a continuous, non-vibrating sound.

  • sing
  • proceed
  • kiss

Problems occur when confusing with other consonant sound /∫/.

  • If /s/ is replaced with /∫/, the word sip sounds like ship.

Listen to the following words with /s/ and repeat after each example.

  1. Sarah saw some silly sailors smoking cigarettes.
  2. Sam sips scotch secretly sometimes.
  3. Sensitive singers safely sing songs softly.

/z/ zeal

/z/ is similar to /s/ except with a vibration.

  • zero
  • busy
  • was

Problems occur when confusing with other consonant sounds /s/, /ʤ/.

  • If /z/ is replaced with /ʤ/, the word zealous sounds like jealous.

Listen to the following words change to a /z/ sound with a plural ending. Repeat after the example.

  • need -> needs
  • allow -> allows
  • Sarah -> Sarah’s

With extra syllable sound /əz/ or /ɪz/

  • beach -> beaches
  • push -> pushes
  • pause -> pauses

See the lesson on word endings for more information.