/ʤ/ and /y/
How to pronounce
/ʤ/ joke
Make the /ʤ/ sound by stopping and releasing air. Say /ʤ/ with a vibrating sound.
- joy
- eject
- edge
Problems occur when confusing with other sounds /y/, /tʃ/.
- If /ʤ/ is replaced with /y/, the word joke sounds like yoke.
/y/ you
Say /y/ with a continuous vibrating sound.
- year
- museum
- behavior
Problems occur when confusing with other consonant sound /tʃ/.
- If /y/ is replaced with /t∫/, the word year sounds like jeer.
Listen to the following words with /y/ and repeat after each example.
- Nice to meet you.
- Yuri is 30 years old.
- Yes, you can state your opinion.
- She is beautiful.
- Have you seen my yellow yurt yet?