idioms (T-Z)

"Catch some z's"

Expand each box below.

wear thin – become less patient

  • I can’t be late again; my boss’s patience is beginning to wear thin.

on the tip of your tongue – something you can almost remember

  • The answer is on the tip of my tongue.

bite your tongue – stop yourself from saying a bad or negative thing

  • I bit my tongue when Jack said he needed to borrow money again.

be over the top – outrageous behaviors

  • Jane quitting her job when she is already in debt is over the top.

on top of something – handle a situation well

  • Mike is really on top of all of the assignments. He’s the first one done each day.

be in touch – talk to someone at some time

  • I’ll be in touch with you next Tuesday.

keep track – stay well informed of something

  • Make sure to keep track of your checking account balance.

be up against – someone or something that makes things difficult for you

  • I’m up against a difficult exam tomorrow.

be up to something – plan something, usually in secret

  • I think Jane is up to something. Every time I see her, she acts suspiciously.

have the upper hand – to have power or advantage over someone

  • The tall boxer had the upper hand during the match because of his long reach.

be out of the way – a long distance from other typical places

  • The tourist destination is a long way from the city.

pull your weight – work just as much as other group members

  • Sherri’s teammates complained she wasn’t pulling her weight.

don’t get me wrong – something you say before expressing criticism, but you don’t want people to think it is too strong

  • Don’t get me wrong, I think Jack is smart. Sometimes, though, he just doesn’t use common sense.

put years on / take years off – make someone look older / make someone look younger

  • Shaving your beard has taken years off you.

catch some z’s – to get some sleep

  • I’m so tired. I need to catch some z’s.